Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

Julie Grossman, Ph.D., professor of English and communication and film studies, has had two of her essays reprinted in a new collection on film noir c...

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Wen Ma, Ph.D., of the Department of Education published his seventh book titled "Confucianism Reconsidered: Insights for American ...

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Clifford Donn, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthropology, Criminology and Sociology, delivered a paper titled "Management of Educational Pers...

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Please go to the Recreation Center website, www.lemoynedolphins.com, for building and pool hours during commencement week.
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Farha Ternikar, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthropology, Criminology and Sociology, recently gave a public lecture at Syracuse University titled Musl...

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Theresa White, Ph.D, of the Department of Psychology, was elected to the executive board of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) for a...

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Alison J. Marganski, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthropology, Criminology and Sociology, was elected to the Association for Applied and Clinical...

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The team from the DeRuisseau Lab recently attended the Experimental Biology Conference in San Diego, Calif. All three trainees attending (Brianna Eass...

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International House (IH) was a community on campus dedicated to faith-based social justice that emphasized service locally and internationally. Addres...

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Assistant Professor Travis Newton served as chair and presenter during "Training Tomorrow’s Leaders: Opportunities for Collaborat...

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