College Seal


The seal should be used on the more official documents for the College such as those coming from the president’s office. It should not be used along side the college logo. Either one or the other is used.

Five arrowheads are displayed to represent the five nations, whose capital was located where Syracuse now stands. Here, Simon Le Moyne, S.J., labored and earned from the Indian nations the title “Ondessonk” (Chief). The arrowheads are reversed to commemorate the reputation of Father Le Moyne as a peacemaker among the Iroquiois. A cross forms a fitting background for these instruments of warfare, since the apostle was ever willing to sacrifice his life for his Master. The circular object in the first quarter is known in heraldry as a fountain representing the salt springs discovered by Father Le Moyne and symbolizes the saving lavacrum of baptism which he brought to the Indians. The second quarter displays a fleur-de-lis for Beauvais, in the ancient Department of Ile de France, to honor the birthplace of the titular of the college. The insignia of the Society of Jesus is the central motif of the chief (upper compartment) and is inscribed on a book to designate that Le Moyne is a Jesuit institution of learning.

The College colors, PMS 349 green and PMS 872 gold, are the tinctures of the seal and the motto, “TOTUS IN DOMINO JESU,” is Father Le Moyne’s favorite phrase at the end of his letters to his superiors.


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