Social Media


Social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok are important and powerful communication outlets for our community.

The following guidelines have been developed to assist in posting and managing social media content on behalf of Le Moyne College departments, offices, teams, clubs, and organizations. Due to the ever-changing nature of social media, these policies and guidelines may be subject to review at any time. The Office of Marketing and Communications welcomes your feedback. Please email us at [email protected].

General Policies

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Le Moyne College reserves the right to:

  • request the deletion of posts that it deems slanderous, obscene, soliciting, threatening or in conflict with the College social media policies and guidelines
  • ask clubs and organizations to remove Le Moyne College (or a common variation) from their name
  • request the deletion of an account if it has not been active in the excess of one semester (four months)
  • request the deletion of an account if social media guidelines are violated

We want our social media accounts to be places for active conversation, but we need your help. Here are our guidelines for social media commenting:

  • We value freedom of expression, diversity, and inclusiveness.
  • Keep comments civil and cordial.
  • Comments that contain or link to abusive material, personal attacks, profanity, or spam will not be tolerated and will be deleted at the discretion of the Office of  Marketing and Communications.
  • Comments are not an advertising space; don’t endorse, promote, or solicit on behalf of a product or service.

We appreciate your help in making our social media spaces a safe place for all our ’Phamily. 


These guidelines pertain to any Le Moyne College-recognized clubs or organizations:


  • Which have or wish to start a social media account.
  • Which bear Le Moyne College or a common variation in their name (such as LMC).
  • Which have social media accounts linked to the Le Moyne College website.
  • Wish to be featured on one of Le Moyne College’s primary social media content channels.


Social media accounts include, but are not limited to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Flickr, etc. Understand that by creating a club or organization account that's affiliated with the College (Le Moyne College, LMC, Le Moyne, etc. in the name), the account is subject to the College's social media policy.




  • Any club or organization wishing to create such a page or that currently has one in existence must Complete the Social Media Registration Form to provide the name and contact information for the individual(s) who will be authorized to create, operate, monitor and edit the social media account on an ongoing basis (i.e. the “Moderators”). 
  • The Moderator(s) must use the club’s or organization’s Le Moyne email addresses when establishing an account.


General Content Guidelines


  • Comply with Le Moyne College's General Guidelines for Social Media.
  • Monitor and update accounts on an ongoing basis to efficiently and rapidly respond to any problems that may arise and to ensure an engaging, interesting environment for visitors.  A stale page will likely cause more damage to the image of an entity than having no page at all.
  • Treat others with respect, even if disagreements occur. Please do not post material that could be considered an infringement on the rights of others.
  • Remember that these are public forums and whatever information you share will be viewed by others. Consider this carefully before posting.
  • Comply with Le Moyne College's General Guidelines for Social Media.
  • Monitor and update accounts on an ongoing basis to efficiently and rapidly respond to any problems that may arise and to ensure an engaging, interesting environment for visitors.  A stale page will likely cause more damage to the image of an entity than having no page at all.
  • Treat others with respect, even if disagreements occur. Please do not post material that could be considered an infringement on the rights of others.
  • Remember that these are public forums and whatever information you share will be viewed by others. Consider this carefully before posting.

Do you already have a social media account for your department, center, office, or team? If so, please complete the Social Media Registration Form to begin the process of making your account official. This process will include a discussion with the Office of Marketing and Communications that will cover account naming conventions, Le Moyne College logo usage, and the culture, logistics, and best practices of individual social media websites.

  1. Before you start, you must submit the Social Media Registration Form for approval. Although social media is a fun space to work in, embarking on social communication on behalf of the College should be part of a comprehensive communication strategy. Before you create a social account for your department, office, center, or athletic team, you should consider these important questions.
  2. Get to know our general guidelines for social media
  3. Have a discussion with the Office of Marketing and Communications about best practices. This discussion will cover account naming conventions, Le Moyne College logo usage, and the culture, logistics, and best practices of individual social media websites.
  4. If there are compelling reasons why a new account must be created, account holders must follow the following rule:  
    1. Launch your account after receiving approval from the Office of Marketing & Communications.
    2. Ensure that your account uses two-factor authentication to protect your online identity.
    3. Provide your account information to the Office of Marketing & Communications. In order to comply with terms and conditions of social media sites, and enable the Office of Marketing & Communications to track authorized social media pages, a department office, center, or athletic team must provide the account name, contact information for its administrator(s), and any necessary login information. If you have created a Facebook page, add Michelle Tarby as an administrator to the page. Providing this information or page access to the Office of Marketing & Communications ensures College access to the account in the event of staffing transitions.
    4. Remain on top of social media trends. Read articles about what other colleges or similar groups are doing to be successful with social media. 

Reach out to us! In addition to managing the College’s central social media accounts, the Office of Marketing & Communications serves as a social communication information and strategy resource. Please reach us at [email protected] with questions or for assistance with strategy, set-up, etc.

Do not post content that:


  • shows (or may be perceived to show) someone getting hurt, attacked or humiliated;
  • might be considered racist, bigoted or demeaning to a particular group of individuals;
  • depicts activity that is (or may be perceived to be) illegal (i.e. drug or alcohol use) could otherwise put the College in a bad light. 
  • Provides access to, displays, communicates, or solicits messages/images that are sexual in nature, depict graphic violence, or which may offend or harass on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, military service, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, that are protected by the College’s “Nondiscrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence and Sexual Misconduct” and “Sexual Assault, and Sexual Harassment Involving Students” policies found here. 
  • share confidential information related to Le Moyne College, such as personnel actions, internal investigations, or student information.
  • require personal information from users.
  • infringes copyright or trademark.