The Le Moyne College logo is a brand mark that represents the College with consistency. Use of the logo must be consistent. The colors for the logo represent the college colors. The colors are PMS 349 green with the tagline in PMS 872 gold. It is also available in all green, all gold, black or white. It should not be used in any other manner, and should be used on all Le Moyne College printed, digital or Website materials. It should not be placed over a busy background or one that doesn't represent the College brand.
General rules of usage
The approved college logo should be used conspicuously on all college communications, preferably on the front cover of the printed materials, on all pages of websites and opening and closing frames of all video and broadcast spots. The college logo is a registered trademark and cannot be altered in any way. The logo must always be reproduced using an official electronic file. It should not be redrawn or reset in different fonts. The proportions and spacing of the logo must remain constant and file images should not be stretched or distorted.
It is critical that the College logo be used properly and within accepted guidelines. It must always be reproduced with its original proportions and should never be stretched or distorted. Private vendors wishing to use these logos on salable merchandise should go through the Office of Communications to obtain permission and to ensure proper usage.