About the Lectures Committee
The purpose of the Lectures Committee is to assist in funding events that enhance the intellectual life of the college outside the classroom. Eligible events are not limited to traditional lecture format, but may include elements of round table discussions, demonstrations, and events that have interactive aspects, performance elements, and the like. Faculty, staff, and students organizing events under the auspices of a recognized college organization (such as a college office, an academic department, or a student club) are eligible to apply for Lectures Committee funding.
The Committee is a funding group only, not an organizing or publicity group. Organizers are reminded to make necessary arrangements to reserve facilities. The Lectures Committee particularly welcomes proposals cosponsored by more than one campus organization, and it would be reluctant to be an event's sole funder. Normally the Committee would not consider honoraria for guest speakers within a particular course.
Proposals for fall events are due on the last Friday in October. Proposals for spring semester events are due on the third Friday in December. If there are funds still available after awards are made from this second round of proposals, the Committee will put out an additional call for proposals during the spring semester. The Committee will usually decide on applications within two to three weeks of these deadlines. Completed applications are to be directed to the Chair of the Lectures Committee via email.
Guidelines for completing an application
- The Lectures committee will normally allocate half of its annual budget for fall events and half for spring events. Historically, the committee has received more requests for funding than can be allocated. Given this fiscal limitation, the committee is reluctant to allocate too large a portion of its available money to any one event.
- When expenses for an event are being shared between Le Moyne College and another (or several) institutions, the Lectures Committee application should state explicitly which portion of the expenses are being paid by which institution. Any imbalance in terms of the amount contributed by Le Moyne sources should be explained. Funds obtained through the Le Moyne Lectures Committee should not be used to cover a speaker’s expenses for a separate event at another institution.
- In general, the committee is reluctant to be the primary funding source for any event. Applicants should first do their best to secure funding from their own budgets, from co-sponsors, and from outside grants, which should be listed on the application.
- The committee discourages travel arrangements that incur unusual expense, such as traveling first class, asking for car rental if plane travel is less expensive, or staying at hotels that do not offer a discount for Le Moyne.
- Applicants should justify any exceptionally high line items on an application budget (such as for a reception, an honorarium, or publicity) as these will be looked at closely by the committee.
- Applicants should take care to be as clear and as specific as possible when listing expenses. For example, a general line item for “food” should instead provide details such as the number attending a dinner and the anticipated per person cost. For hotel costs, applicants should state number of guests and rooms required, and dates of arrival and departure.
- If an event that has been approved and funded by the Lectures Committee needs to be cancelled, the applicant must immediately notify the Lectures Committee and return any already allocated funds to the committee.