Web Overview/Vision

We strive to create a web experience that is meaningful and personal, especially for prospective students and their families. As part of this, we're focusing on starting and sustaining an emotional connection with site visitors until they commit to being part of Le Moyne in real life.  To make a good impression, we must show the vibrancy of Le Moyne.  We must show that the people of Le Moyne—students, faculty and staff—welcome everyone, and are friendly, engaged, kind, and supportive. And we must show evidence that our college, while small in size, has big opportunities for collaboration, hands-on learning, leadership, and growth.   


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The only course listings and descriptions that can appear on the college website are the ones that appear in the College catalog. Departments and programs may not post course descriptions, either as HTML, Word documents or PDFs to ensure course information found on the lemoyne.edu site aligns with the catalog. 


We strive to provide a consistent look, feel and voice to our external audiences. Content may be edited/altered as needed for clarity, grammar, spelling, usage, and style, as well as to conform with college naming conventions and branding. Any significant alterations will be shared with the responsible office.


Orient Prospects to the Admission Process:
All major roads lead to and go through the enrollment realm. Make sure prospects know where they are and where they need to go.

At the Same Time, Give Them a Sense of Adventure:
Be upfront about the challenges of college, empathize with their concerns and show how our students have met and overcome them. Make clear that Le Moyne has strong student support and will agitate for growth. 

Lean into Greatness meets Goodness Themes
Greatness meets Goodness is an accessible, understandable bridge to Jesuit values and turns people’s thoughts to the pursuit of excellence. Leverage it and other key ___ meets ___ statements throughout the site.

Lean into Jesuit in Nuanced Ways
Connect Jesuit values and universal values, infused with the unique Le Moyne spirit. We live a Jesuit mission while competing to enroll the best students in the region, and respecting people of all faith traditions or no faith tradition at all. 

  • Think of the other first
  • Strive for more
  • Hard work pays off
  • Care for the whole person
  • Learn how to think, not what to think
  • Social justice
  • Unconditional love


Welcome Everyone to the Le Moyne Community
Community is one of our greatest strengths. Show the power of connectedness and belonging from many perspectives and with many voices.

Give Secondary Audiences Engaging and Useful Landing Pages
Celebrate each audience. Respond directly to their needs. Give them easy access to resources, along with definitions and explanations that provide context. 


  • Develop a user-centric web structure based on visitor needs as opposed to department and office organization, incorporating user-friendly, ADA-compliant content, information architecture and navigation
    • Sites based on function and need, providing the end user with a one-stop shop for a given topic by organizing content from several resources or departments
    • Improved user experience and functionality with the use of quickly readable, mobile-friendly content written for the web, avoiding institutional jargon
    • Organize content to display the strongest qualities of the school and best serve the needs of the primary audience, including a mobile-optimized design and robust, forward-looking video/multimedia features.
  • Enhance the reputation of Le Moyne and illustrate the brand objectives
  • Cohesive and appealing visual design incorporating consistency in structure, navigation and content
  • Outline roles for website governance, oversight and contributors, detailing web workflows, training and compliance
  • Build a system of continuous improvement organized around measurable website goals, analytics, experimentation, and a firm understanding of website advancements and best practices.

Web contributors are prohibited from copying official college information to avoid posting conflicting or duplicate information on lemoyne.edu. Examples of such information include:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Academic calendars and college deadlines
  • Course descriptions other than those provided in the College Catalog.
  • College press releases or stories published by Marketing and Communications. A content module on each program landing page allows for this content to be added to progam pages when relevant.
  • Events posted to the campus calendar. Event should always be posted to the campus calendar. 

Web pages or content found to be in violation will be removed.


  • To leverage the website as an effective, appealing marketing platform that reflects our brand and encourages prospective students to apply to the college.
  • To establish ownership, workflows and resources that facilitate a compelling, user-oriented and goal-driven web presence.
  • Provide collaborative, centralized governance for the online development, deployment, delivery and maintenance of Le Moyne’s web presence, ensuring proper training and an appropriate focus on privacy, accessibility and other core site requirements.

Content authors are primarily responsible for content maintenance and quality.

Marketing and Communications is expected to take corrective action on content not adhering to College standards to ensure public digital representations reflect the caliber of Le Moyne. Content authors will be notified when substantial changes (anything beyond simple corrections) are made.


Gross misspellings
Links to unsafe domains will be removed or updated when the correct destination is known
Outdated/incorrect information 
Improper logo usage
Issues that limit accessibility 
When possible, reports will be provided to users that cover topics such as links, spelling, accessibility, security, performance and other best practices. 


Content Authors
Le Moyne uses a distributed model of content management where faculty or staff can request to maintain their designated content areas. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Ensuring all content, including text, photo, videos and PDFs, whether posted themselves or with the assistance of other staffers and/or supervised student workers, is in accordance with the governance guidelines and the IT Acceptable Use Policies.
  2. Creating content at the direction of, or in collaboration with, the appropriate chair or director.
  3. Completing and remaining up-to-date on CMS training and best practices.
  4. Transfer all facets of content maintenance to other staff as part of employment transitions.

Content Authors should be mindful of the following concepts:

  • Accessibility - considerations related to content for visitors with disabilities
  • Security/privacy - browser warnings 
  • Responsive content organization - consideration of how content layout appears on multiple devices
  • Performance/speed optimizations - file size

Le Moyne's digital team will engage with Content Authors on these various concepts by providing guidance and best practices. Content Autthors are only expected to sustain a general awareness. The digital team will resolve most issues.

Content Authors are expected to demonstrate a willingness to research concepts, skills and solutions and adapt to ongoing changes in technology.

Office of Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications is dedicated to the stewardship of the official public digital identity of Le Moyne College. Their primary focus is on external presentations related to recruitment, alumni and parent relations. They strive to ensure the public representations of the college reflect the caliber of Le Moyne.

Information Technology
Information Technology delivers a wide range of technology resources and support services to further thec ollege’s mission and goals. They will implement and support the required web infrastructure and maintain current systems and tools in a manner consistent with IT security best practices.


Content authors are expected to maintain the content within their respective sites. Sites that are abandoned by an office because there is no Content Author transition will become the responsibility of Marketing & Communications' digital team.


Official College sites must be in the official domain (lemoyne.edu).  The College will not host outside domains without an approved exemption from the Senior Director of Information Technology.  If such an exemption is granted, Marketing and Communications will review design requirements, accessibility, hosting and linking requirements with the requesting department.   

Any department developing a site must abide by all governing College policies.