Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

The Vincent B. Ryan, S.J. Pool will be closed Thursday, June 21.  The pool will be open on Friday, June 22, from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
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  Professor of English David Lloyd’s story The  Moving of the Water appears in the current Summer Fiction issue of Virgin...

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Farha Ternikar, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthropology, Criminology and Sociology presented a paper titled “The Arrival of Refugee Cuisine or ...

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Le Moyne College trombone instructor, Melissa Gardiner, brought home the grand prize from EUROPAfest's Bucharest International Jazz Competition in...

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Douglas Egerton, Ph.D., professor of history, delivered comment on session, “African-American Resistance and the Long Emancipation,” Socie...

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Professor of English David Lloyd published two short stories included in his forthcoming story collection, The Moving of the Water: “Visitor&...

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The Recreation Center will be closed all day on Wednesday, May 23, for a departmental meeting.  The Recreation Center will reopen on Th...

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The DeRuisseau Lab has a new publication. "Saline as a Vehicle Control Does Not Alter Ventilation in Male CD-1 Mice" is now published in Phy...

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Larry Tanner, Ph.D., professor of environmental science systems, was the coauthor of the talk, Placement of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary on the sout...

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Julie Grossman, Ph.D., professor of English and communication and film studies, has had two of her essays reprinted in a new collection on film noir c...

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