Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

Max Malikow, adjunct professor of philosophy, has a new book in print: "Heroism as Virtue: Reflecting on Human Greatness." It is available through ama...

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During the month of February, Douglas Egerton, Ph.D., of the Department of History, spoke about black soldiers and slave rebelliousness at the Massach...

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Delia Popescu, Ph.D., of the Department of Political Science, delivered the talk titled "Shadow of the Hegemon: Eastern Europe, Havel, and t...

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Julie Grossman, Ph.D., of the Department of English and Department of Communication and Film Studies, was quoted in a WalletHub piece about the u...

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The Palony Wellness Studios 5 p.m. Yoga Class for Wednesday, February 21st has been cancelled.  We apologize for any inconvenience.
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The Palony Wellness Studios 5 p.m. Yoga Class for Wednesday, Feb. 21, has been cancelled.  We apologize for any inconvenience...

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Leigh Fought, Ph.D., of the Department of History and director of the Gender and Women's Studies program, will discuss her book "Women in the...

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The Palony Wellness Studios, located in the Recreation Center, have added Pilates to their schedule.  Please go to: www.lemoynedolphins.comt...

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Any matriculated Le Moyne College student may enter the Newhouse Writing Contest. Seven prizes of $325 each  (the largest amount ever) will be...

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The Salamander, Le Moyne College’s student-edited literary and art magazine, is accepting submissions for the 2018 issue in the following catego...

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