SLA Data & Projects

Option One

This file presents summary data of required SLA elements for each degree-granting program, the Core Curriculum, and the Integral Honors program. Information is presented for each three-year assessment cycle from 2017 - present. This file shows the extent to which each program possesses such elements of SLA as student learning outcomes, a curriculum map and the frequency with which student learning outcomes have been assessed in a given assessment cycle.

Program Level Assessment Data 2017-present

Option Two

This file presents detailed summary data of SLA activity for each degree-granting program, the Core Curriculum, and the Integral Honors Program. Information is presented for each three-year assessment cycle from 2019 - present. This file includes summaries of each step of the assessment process, including achievement of acceptable targets, description and analysis of findings, and related recommendations.

SLO Level Assessment Data 2019-present

Option Three

This file presents summaries of various data for SLA activity, including the number of student learning outcomes assessed in a given assessment cycle, outcomes from the periodic review of SLA requirements, and the frequency and outcomes of assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes.

SLA Summary Data

Option Four

This file presents information regarding projects and professional development activities related to the improvement of student learning assessment.

SLA Projects