A. Purpose
In honor of the former Dean of Arts and Sciences and current Professor Emeritus, the Fund’s purpose is to allow faculty to pursue innovations in teaching that will have a direct impact on the classroom of the teaching faculty member.
B. Terms
The Ring Summer Stipends will number between four and five each year. Successful applicants will receive a $2500 stipend and can apply for additional support of up to $1000 for travel, books, lab supplies, book subventions, etc. connected to the project.
Applicants should be guided by the question: What difference will this project make in my classroom?
Examples of appropriate projects include:
- development of a lab exercise;
- retooling or training for instruction of a course;
- participation in conferences directly relevant to the teaching innovation;
- program of reading/independent study to develop a new teaching strategy;
- development of a new course, course topic, or pedagogy;
- travel to a site directly related to the teaching outcome.
Projects outside the parameters of this stipend program would include programmatic development, grant writing, or research aimed at publication.
C. Eligibility
Any member of the Faculty Senate who is returning to full-time teaching the following academic year. Faculty who receive a Ring Summer Stipend may not then engage in other remunerative employment during the summer term without the consent of the Committee.
D. Application Process
A full application consists of a completed application form together with all supporting material requested on the form. Applications should be submitted via email attachments to
[email protected]. The Committee reviews applications once a year according to the following schedule:
Application Deadline: February 18
Notification: March 25
E. Evaluation Criteria
In addition to the merits of the proposal, the applicant’s history with Research and Development programs will be considered. Preference will be given to projects that can be brought to completion as a result of a Summer Stipend, and to applicants not previously granted any type of summer stipend by the Committee.
F. Report
Applicants who are granted a Ring Summer Stipend must submit a brief report to the Chair of the Committee (
[email protected]), the Provost, and the appropriate dean by October 15 (of the year in which the stipend was received).
Specific Instructions
Please combine cover form, project information, and any supporting documentation into a single file and submit as a single e-mail attachment to
[email protected]. The chair/program director should separately complete and submit the form described below.
1. Cover Form. You can edit the cover form by first saving the form as a Word document and making your changes.
2. Project
A. Working title for the project.
B. Full description of the project (including goals of the project and its current status.) This description should make clear the connection between the project and the purpose of the Ring Development Fund program, i.e., an explanation of the benefits to Le Moyne College students.
C. Applicant’s qualifications for pursuing the project.
D. Applicant’s history with Research and Development Programs or other College sources of additional support (e.g., endowed professorships, release time).
E. It is the responsibility of applicant at time of application to demonstrate compliance with all relevant college policies (e.g., Institutional Reveiw Board, Information Technology)
F. Budget, if relevent, including justification of expences.
G. Department chair (and, if relevant, program director) must complete brief form indicating whether project is consistent with department/program planning needs.
Form should be submitted directly to
[email protected]
1. Stipends are paid through the College payroll office and are reported as taxable income to the IRS.
2. Expenses are also paid through the College payroll office once receipts for items included in the application are submitted.
3. A Faculty Senate member accepting a summer stipend may not accept any other form of (monetarily) compensated work during the summer term. This prohibition includes not only summer teaching, but also all other forms of remunerative activities. Minor exceptions include service as summer chair, summer advising, or activities equivalent in minimal compensation and minimal demands.