Incidential Reimbursement

A. Purpose
The purpose of incidental reimbursement program is to provide reimbursement of minor expenses incurred in the course of research or development activities. This program is NOT appropriate for start-up funds for a large project. Start-up funds for a larger project would be considered under the R & D grant program. The incidental reimbursement program is perfect for bringing a project with minor expenses to completion.
Note: Expenses and funding must occur in the same fiscal year.
B. Eligibility
Any member of the Faculty (or emeritus faculty member) may request reimbursement of incidental expenses.
C. Application Process
Applications for incidental reimbursements are considered on a continuing basis and may be submitted at any time during the academic year. Applications will be considered over the summer, but response time will be delayed. A full application consists of a completed application form together with all supporting material requested on the form. Applications should be submitted to [email protected].
D. Evaluation Criteria
Incidental expenses totaling $500 or less may qualify for reimbursement under this program. Eligible expenses are those identified under the Evaluation Criteria for the Research and Development grant program. Requests for reimbursement of expenses related to a project whose total qualifying expenses will exceed $500 must be submitted through the Research and Development grant program. This includes expenses related to projects for which one has received an Incidental Reimbursement grant earlier in the same fiscal year, even if each individual request is under $500.
E. Report
As in all such matters, the support of the Committee should be acknowledged where appropriate.

Specific Instructions

To apply for incidental reimbursement submit a completed application form to [email protected]
Application Form
You can prepare an application form on-line, then send the completed form to [email protected]
1. Only expenses that are both under $500, and are not from a project whose total (reimbursed) expenses exceed (or will exceed) $500, qualify. To obtain reimbursement for any portion of any project where the total request for reimbursement will exceed $500, apply under the grants program.
Applications for incidental reimbursement may be submitted at any time for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.
