
Welcome to the Curriculum Committee Home Page.  Here you will find folders that contain the following items:
  • agendas for and minutes from our meetings
  • documents about policies and procedures for the Curriculum Committee
  • links to Google Forms for various proposals made to the committee
  • proposals that have been and are being considered organized in folders by semester, year, and date
In addition, you will find the names of the current divisional, at-large, and student representatives on the committee (under contact us); and the days, times, and location for the current semester (under committee information).   
Any questions or concerns can be addressed to the Curriculum Committee Chair, Cathy Leogrande, at [email protected] or ext. 4375 (cell 315-567-6817).   

Committee Information

Meetings for Spring 2025 are Thursdays 3-4pm via Zoom. Link: https://lemoyne.zoom.us/j/95113186704

Notice (1-25-25): Electronic Documents or Paper Forms will no longer be accepted. All course and program changes and new items must be submitted using Google Forms at the link below.

Notice: (11-4-24): The CC Forms are now Google Forms. Please use the forms at the links below. Contact Cathy Leogrande ([email protected]) or Natasha Farrell ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Program Change Form


Please send any new business to  curriculum@lemoyne.edu

Notice (4.3.2023):  Program changes submitted after the schedule goes live will not be implemented until the following semester.

Notice (4.1.2022):  Beginning Fall 2022, proposals submitted after the schedule goes live will not be included in the schedule for that semester.

Notice (8.24.2021):  Proposals must be approved before they appear on the schedule (there will be no pending CC approval courses on the schedule).

Notice (6.26.2018):  The CC forms can now be completed in either fillable pdf or MS Word.  Directions for downloading and completing the revised fillable New Course Proposal form can be found in the folder, CC Forms and Documents.  Included in those directions is a way to generate an electronic signature for use on the forms.

Notice (6.26.2018):  All proposals to be placed on the CC agenda must come from the respective department chair or program director.  No exceptions.


Contact Us

Joseph Spino (Div. 1) (23-25)

Edward Ruchalski (Div. 2) (24-26)

Christopher Bass (Div. 3) (23-25)

Robert Scully, S.J (Div. 4, Chair) (24-26)

Cathy Leogrande, Chair (Div. 5) (24-26)

Asya Atik (Div. 6) (24-26)

Anna O'Brien (at-large) (24-25)

Aviana Stark (Student Representative)

Katie Ryan (Staff Assistant)