A-PLUS, STEP and CSTEP are collaborating to offer a two-day retreat on The Path to Ikigai: Reason for Being, Reflection and Professional Development on Monday, July 1, and Wednesday, July 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the James Commons, Campus Center.

The theme of the conference is called ikigai (pronounced “eye-ka-guy”), which is a Japanese term that means “reason for being.” There will be facilitated conversations on: What you love; What you are good at; What you can be paid for; What the world needs; and with Mission, Profession and Vocation. 

This conference is open to all staff, faculty and students.  Light refreshments and lunch will be provided. Please register by June 23 at https://forms.gle/R1NAys6PyFwc1cDY6

The retreat is a necessary foundation for our seven-week summer program and will be reinforced throughout the summer by means of our paid internship, speaker series, community service and classroom interactions with peers and staff.  A guiding tool for the theme of this conference is based upon data from 67 percent of our students about what they hope to take away from the program. 

Stipend of $50-$100 will be available to students to attend both days. Preference will be given to students who are historically underrepresented, first generation or Pell eligible. 


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