Le Moyne SLA Policies and Procedures


Le Moyne College Student Learning Assessment (SLA) Guidelines (2025)

 Student Learning Assessment Departmental Coordinator  Role and Responsibilities (May 2020)

Institutional Learning Assessment Committee (ILAC) : Procedures and Responsibilities (October 2024)

  • Syllabus Checklist (revised September 2022)
    Well-written syllabi play a critical role in program-level and institutional level assessment by providing consistent information across the curriculum. The Curriculum Committee approved the Syllabus Checklist to serve as guidelines for all Le Moyne College course syllabi. All instructors are encouraged to follow the checklist, most especially those who expect to teach courses in the new CORE.


Instructure Canvas - our learning management system, containing rubrics, quizzes and other data sources connected to assignments that can be scored and reported on by faculty evaluators

Suite of Watermark tools, including

b. Aqua - used for assessing bulk submissions outside of a normal course context that can be scored and reported on by faculty evaluators

c. Taskstream Accountability Management System - used by program leadership to submit annual SLA work

d.Digital Measures - used by faculty as an electronic dossier

e. EvaluationKit - used for course evaluations and surveys

f. ePortfolio (Taskstream Learning Achievement Tools) - used by program leadership to collect intentional, aligned artifacts that can be scored and reported on by faculty evaluators

Middle States Expectations