Faculty Achievement

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Shawn L. Ward, Ph.D., associate professor in psychology, presented a poster at the 90th Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in New York, ...

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Alison Marganski, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthropology, Criminology and Sociology, and colleagues published an article titled "The Impac...

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Professor of English J. Christopher Warner published an essay, "The printing of dissertations in sixteenth-century Louvain: A reconsideratio...

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Professor of English David Lloyd, Ph.D., was awarded a UK Fulbright Research Fellowship to undertake a project at Cardiff University during the spring...

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Professor of English David Lloyd published a review of The Coming of the Celts, AD 1860: Celtic Nationalism in Ireland and Wales by Caoimhín De Barra ...

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Professor of Chemistry Carmen Giunta, Ph.D., had a peer-reviewed commentary published in the Journal of Chemical Education. Titled "What Chemistr...

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Daniel Kane, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology, has co-authored a paper in Nature Communications (https://rdcu.be/bhTN2) providing insights to mec...

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Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Gender, and Culture Ludger Viefhues-Bailey completed work on LGBTQ issues that was the topic of a podcast and w...

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Professor of English and Director of the Creative Writing Program David Lloyd will read from his new collection of stories, The Moving of the Wat...

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Together with G. J. Leigh (Emeritus, University of Sussex), Carmen Giunta published an article titled "The Scientific Publications of Alexander M...

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