Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

Pofessor of English David Lloyd, Ph.D., published a poem, “And they say that the world lacks romance,” in Poetry Wales (59.1) Spring 2023....

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Douglas Egerton, Ph.D., of the Department of History, published a brief essay, Revered By All: The Declaration of Independence in the Reconstruct...

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William Day, Ph.D., of the Department of Philosophy presented his paper "Hearing Between the Lines: Jazz's Democratic Esotericism" at th...

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"The Political Economy of Corruption," a volume edited by Chandan Jha, Associate Professor of Finance in the Madden School, Ajit Mishra of t...

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Chandan Jha, Ph.D., associate professor of finance, co-wrote an article published in the International Journal of Finance and Economics. The arti...

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Jeffrey Chin, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthroplogy, Criminology and Sociology, received the American Sociological Association's 2023  Dist...

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Matthew Fee, Ph.D.,  lecturer and director of the Integral Honors Program, delivered a talk in San Jose, Calif., at the annual conferen...

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Dr. Jason Luscier's research lab attended the 2023 International Urban Wildlife Conference in Washington, D.C. (June 3-7).   A total of 8 ...

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Professor Jennifer Glancy, Ph.D., of the Department of Religious Studies has been appointed by the Society of Biblical Literature to serve as delegate...

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Patrick Lawler, writer-in-residence in the Creative Writing Program, is a scriptwriter with director Ted Schaefer. Their film, Giving Birth to a Bu...

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