Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

Jeffrey Chin, Ph.D., of the Department of Anthroplogy, Criminology and Sociology, received the American Sociological Association's 2023  Dist...

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Matthew Fee, Ph.D.,  lecturer and director of the Integral Honors Program, delivered a talk in San Jose, Calif., at the annual conferen...

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Dr. Jason Luscier's research lab attended the 2023 International Urban Wildlife Conference in Washington, D.C. (June 3-7).   A total of 8 ...

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Professor Jennifer Glancy, Ph.D., of the Department of Religious Studies has been appointed by the Society of Biblical Literature to serve as delegate...

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Patrick Lawler, writer-in-residence in the Creative Writing Program, is a scriptwriter with director Ted Schaefer. Their film, Giving Birth to a Bu...

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Looking for a great opportunity? The Salamander, Le Moyne's student-run literary journal, is looking for editors for next year. Applications ...

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Maya June Dwyer of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts was one of 12 New York-based choreographers selected for the NYS New York Choreog...

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Class of 2023, if you could pick five people or things to say thank you for your time at Le Moyne, who or what would they be? Share your answers ...

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Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Carmen Giunta, Ph.D., had an article published recently in the Bulletin for the History of Chemistry titled "Hist...

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Professor of Management Bernard Arogyaswamy, D.B.A., has had an article published in the Sustainability and Climate Change Journal. "Demand Side...

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