Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

"Making a Murderer: The Importance of Gender & Violence Against Women in Mass Murder Events" by Alison Marganski, Ph.D., of the Departme...

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Please join JoAnn Cooke of the Syracuse Zen Center for weekly mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is the practice of a moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental a...

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Professors Bernard Arogyaswamy and John Hunter of the Madden School of Business have had their article, The Impact of Technology and Globalization on ...

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Carmen Giunta, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry, presented a paper and poster titled "Vis Tellurique of Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancour...

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Emily Ledgerwood, Ph.D., assistant professor of biological sciences, published a manuscript in the journal Viruses. This work describes how when reovi...

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Hilary McManus, Ph.D., associate professor of biological sciences, participated in the 42nd Climate Reality Leadership Corps training held in Min...

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Anirban Acharya of the Department of Political Science appeared as guest on a music show called Late-Night Vinyl hosted by radio channel Tru...

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During the fall semester, Le Moyne Tae Kwon Do will hold classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Recreation Center, Court 3, beginning on A...

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Professor Leigh Fought, Ph.D., of the Department of History, will speak about Frederick Douglass and women's rights at the Chittenango Landing Can...

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Leigh Fought, Ph.D., of the Department of History, has signed a contract with Routledge press to write a book on Sally Hemings, the enslaved mother of...

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