Entries for March 2024

Fred Glennon of the the Department of Religious Studies presented a paper titled, "And the Wall Came Tumbling Down: The U.S. Supreme Court and th...

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The philosophy department's Annual Essay Contest is now open. Submit papers or questions to the Department Chair Dr. Ludger Viefhues-Bailey at&nbs...

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A chapter written by Darryl Caterine, Ph.D., of the Department of Religious Studies was published in  A Cultural History of Insects in the Renais...

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Submit your original work to the Newhouse Writing Awards, sponosred by Le Moyne's Creative Writing Program. Prizes of $450 each will be awarded in...

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A book by Max Malikow, Th,D., an adjunct professor in the Department of Philosophy, has been published. Its title is Should I Leave: When You No Longe...

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William Day, Ph.D., of the Department of Philosophy has published an essay, "Hearing Between the Lines: Impressions of Meaning and Jazz's Dem...

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Rachid Belhachemi, Ph.D., of the Department of Mathematics published a paper titled " Hidden Truncation Model with Heteroskedasticity: S&P 50...

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GIovanni Dettori, Ph.D., of the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures recently published a paper titled “Italian Literature ou...

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The Core Curriculum is undergoing its program evaluation this semester. Part of the process is to survey student opinion about the present Core and so...

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