Entries for January 2022

Carmen Giunta, professor emeritus of Chemistry, co-edited with Jeffrey Seeman (University of Richmond) a special issue of the Bulletin for the History...

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Trauma and Recovery in the 21st-Century Irish Novel, the latest book by Kate Costello-Sullivan, professor of Modern Irish Literature, was feature...

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The Palony Wellness Studio spring 2022 fitness classes will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022.  Please go to lemoynedolphins.com to see t...

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The Recreation Center is open for all current students, faculty and staff.  The facility will be open on Monday, Jan. 17, Martin Luther King...

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On Dec. 7 and 14, 2021, members of the Instructional Design and Academic Technology team (Roula Creighton, Mounika Ragula, and Royce Robertson) presen...

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