Professor of English David Lloyd published “The Dead Children,” a translation of “Y Plant Marw,” and “The Moment,”...

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Fiona Pepper, class of '24, and Professpr Larry Tanner from the department of biological and environmental sciences published the article, Distrib...

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William Day, Ph.D., of the Department of Philosophy has published a book chapter, "Impressions of Meaning in Cavell's Life Out of Music,"...

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The Fall 2024 issue of the Upstate Medical Alumni Journal includes an article featuring Dr. Vinciquerra from Le Moyne Physician Assistant Studies Prog...

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The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)/New York Foundation for the Arts  (NYFA) Artists Fellowship Program has recognized Ms. Seema Sures...

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Hilary McManus, Ph.D,  a professor of environmental biologocal sciences, joins a global faculty team selected to guide the ninth cohort of Homewa...

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Le Moyne's publication, The Salamander, is looking for a marketing intern for the 2022-2023 academic year. No experience needed. As this belo...

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Stevi Wilson of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures was featured in an article highlighting women who inspire in Syracuse Woman M...

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On Feb. 8, 2021, history Prof. Leigh Fought  presented her paper "Back Home: Frederick Douglass's Family in His Absence" to the #Do...

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Over the next few weeks, IT staff will update the phones of most faculty and staff (nearly 550 devices) as we prepare for a significant upgrade of Le ...

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