Faculty Achievement

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Fred Glennon, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Religious Studies, published a book titled Christian Social Ethics with Orbis Books...

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Professor of English David Lloyd published an essay, “Dylan Thomas and Kenneth Rexroth: ‘something terribly unbritish,’” in Pa...

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Professor of History Leigh Fought, Ph.D., will describe the life and importance of Sally Hemings, mother of six of Thomas Jefferson's enslave...

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On Feb. 8, 2021, history Prof. Leigh Fought  presented her paper "Back Home: Frederick Douglass's Family in His Absence" to the #Do...

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An article by Bernard Arogyaswamy, D.B.A.,  professor of management, was published in Studies in Social Science Research. The piece, which is tit...

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Environmental Science majors Haley Synan and Mikael Melfi, with professor Larry Tanner, have published new research in the journal Ecological Processe...

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In recognition of her outstanding service to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, to the Transportation Research Board, and t...

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Professor of English David Lloyd published a four-poem sequence, TVland (“Outer Limits,” “Missions Impossible,” “Gilliga...

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The American Chemical Society's Division of the History of Chemistry has named Carmen Giunta the winner of the Paul R. Jones outstanding paper awa...

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Professor of English David Lloyd met with other members of a Fulbright U.S. Student Program National Screening Committee by Zoom on Dec. 7 to review a...

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