Summer III 2025 Course Schedule
For Undergraduate summer registration information call the Center for Adult Education at (315) 445-4141 |
Courses to satisfy core requirements: | |||||||||||
CE | DIV | IDS | VPA | WI |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1049 | OTM-502-31 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Functional Anatomy OTM Occupational Therapy | 07/21/25 08/15/25 SC 229 LEC MWF 09:00AM 12:00PM 07/21/25 08/15/25 SC 229 LEC TTH 09:00AM 12:00PM | |
1050 | OTM-502L-31 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Functional Anatomy Lab OTM Occupational Therapy | 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB MWF 01:00PM 02:30PM 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB TTH 01:00PM 02:30PM | |
1052 | OTM-502L-32 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Functional Anatomy Lab OTM Occupational Therapy | 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB MWF 02:30PM 04:00PM 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB TTH 02:30PM 04:00PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1074 | EDG-690-35 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Master's Project EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA RES TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1019 | PAS-503L-31 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Clinical Med III Lab PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 318 LAB T 08:30AM 09:45AM | |
1021 | PAS-503L-32 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Clinical Med III Lab PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 318 LAB T 10:00AM 11:15AM | |
1022 | PAS-503L-33 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Clinical Med III Lab PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 318 LAB T 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1019 | PAS-503L-31 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Clinical Med III Lab PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 318 LAB T 08:30AM 09:45AM | |
1021 | PAS-503L-32 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Clinical Med III Lab PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 318 LAB T 10:00AM 11:15AM | |
1022 | PAS-503L-33 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Clinical Med III Lab PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 318 LAB T 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1218 | HST-111-01 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | World Civilization II HST History | 07/17/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 7/17-8/7.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1008 | EXDL-813-01 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Issues in Finance EXDL Executive Leadership | 05/28/25 08/07/25 GH 404 LEC S 08:30AM 04:50PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1093 | MTH-245-01 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 4.00 | Calculus III MTH Mathematics | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1049 | OTM-502-31 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Functional Anatomy OTM Occupational Therapy | 07/21/25 08/15/25 SC 229 LEC MWF 09:00AM 12:00PM 07/21/25 08/15/25 SC 229 LEC TTH 09:00AM 12:00PM | |
1050 | OTM-502L-31 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Functional Anatomy Lab OTM Occupational Therapy | 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB MWF 01:00PM 02:30PM 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB TTH 01:00PM 02:30PM | |
1052 | OTM-502L-32 Course Description Course materials | 0.00 | Functional Anatomy Lab OTM Occupational Therapy | 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB MWF 02:30PM 04:00PM 07/21/25 08/15/25 SCA 316 LAB TTH 02:30PM 04:00PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1070 | EDG-690-31 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Master's Project EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA RES TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1122 | PSY-201-01 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 4.00 | Intro to Research Methods PSY Psychology | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1007 | EXDL-812-01 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Socially Conscious Leadership EXDL Executive Leadership | 05/28/25 08/07/25 GH 404 LEC F 12:00PM 08:20PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1047 | OTM-501-31 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 2.00 | Introduction to OT OTM Occupational Therapy | 05/26/25 06/20/25 TBA TBA LEC M TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/26-6/20.) |
1048 | OTM-501-32 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 2.00 | Introduction to OT OTM Occupational Therapy | 05/26/25 06/20/25 TBA TBA LEC M TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/26-6/20.) |
1059 | OTM-505-31 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Foundations Occupational Sci OTM Occupational Therapy | 05/26/25 06/20/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/26-6/20.) |
1060 | OTM-505-32 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Foundations Occupational Sci OTM Occupational Therapy | 05/26/25 06/20/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/26-6/20.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1068 | EDG-550-50 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Pedagogical Content Knowledge EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC T 05:30PM 09:30PM (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
1071 | EDG-690-32 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Master's Project EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA RES TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1260 | EDL-637-50 Course Description Course materials | HYB/DIST | 3.00 | Special Edu Adminis & the Law EDL Education Leadership | 05/28/25 06/18/25 SC 142 LEC W 04:30PM 08:00PM (NOTE: WILL MEET IN-PERSON 5/28, 6/4, 6/11, 6/18 AT TIMES LISTED; REMAINING COURSE CONTENT IS TAUGHT ASYNCHRONOUSLY VIA ZOOM.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1061 | OTM-685-31 Course Description Course materials | 9.00 | Level II Fieldwork Adults/Ger OTM Occupational Therapy | 05/26/25 08/15/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1024 | PAS-518-31 Course Description Course materials | 4.00 | Phys Diag and Pat Eval Lab III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 303 LEC TTH 08:30AM 09:45AM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC TTH 01:00PM 02:15PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 307 LEC TH 08:30AM 09:45AM | |
1023 | PAS-518-32 Course Description Course materials | 4.00 | Phys Diag and Pat Eval Lab III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 303 LEC TH 10:00AM 11:15AM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC TTH 01:00PM 02:15PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 307 LEC TTH 10:00AM 11:15AM | |
1025 | PAS-518-33 Course Description Course materials | 4.00 | Phys Diag and Pat Eval Lab III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 303 LEC TTH 11:30AM 12:45PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC TTH 01:00PM 02:15PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 307 LEC TTH 11:30AM 12:45PM | |
1027 | PAS-603-31 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Research Seminar III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 SEM MW 08:30AM 12:30PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1264 | EDL-503-50 Course Description Course materials | DIST/HYB | 3.00 | Cultur Responsive Leadership EDL Education Leadership | 07/17/25 08/07/25 SCA 214 LEC TTH 04:00PM 08:00PM (NOTE: WILL MEET IN-PERSON 7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31 AT TIMES LISTED; REMAINING COURSE CONTENT IS TAUGHT ASYNCHRONOUSLY VIA ZOOM.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1027 | PAS-603-31 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Research Seminar III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 SEM MW 08:30AM 12:30PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1041 | NSG-315-31 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Health Assessment NSG Nursing | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
1042 | NSG-315L-31 Course Description Course materials | HYB | 0.00 | Health Assessment Lab NSG Nursing | 05/28/25 08/07/25 SCA 303 LAB T 04:00PM 06:00PM (NOTE: COURSE IS HYBRID. LAB MEETS IN PERSON ON TUESDAYS. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1271 | ACT-501-01 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Intro Fin & Managerial Act ACT Accounting | 06/02/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 6/2-8/7) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1020 | PAS-503-31 Course Description Course materials | 7.00 | Clinical Medicine III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC MW 01:00PM 04:00PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC F 08:00AM 04:00PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1069 | EDG-555-50 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Instr Tech for Inclusive Class EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC W 05:30PM 09:30PM (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
1072 | EDG-690-33 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Master's Project EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA RES TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1261 | EDL-520-50 Course Description Course materials | HYB/DIST | 3.00 | The Principalship EDL Education Leadership | 05/28/25 08/07/25 GH 417 LEC W 05:00PM 08:30PM (NOTE: WILL MEET IN-PERSON 5/28, 6/11, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23 AT TIMES LISTED; REMAINING COURSE CONTENT IS TAUGHT ASYNCHRONOUSLY VIA ZOOM.) |
1258 | EDL-533-50 Course Description Course materials | HYB/DIST | 3.00 | Communication: Schl Stakehldrs EDL Education Leadership | 05/28/25 08/07/25 SCA 318 LEC W 05:00PM 08:00PM (NOTE: WILL MEET IN-PERSON 6/4, 6/18, 7/2, 7/16, 7/3 AT TIMES LISTED; REMAINING COURSE CONTENT IS TAUGHT ASYNCHRONOUSLY VIA ZOOM.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1123 | GLA-330-50 Course Description Same as PSY-330-50 Course materials | DIV/IDS/CE/DIST | 3.00 | Cross-Cultural Psychology GLA Global Affairs | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC T 05:30PM 09:30PM (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
1120 | PSY-330-50 Course Description Same as GLA-330-50 Course materials | DIV/CE/IDS/DIST | 3.00 | Cross-Cultural Psychology PSY Psychology | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA LEC T 05:30PM 09:30PM (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 5/28-8/7.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1026 | PAS-515-31 Course Description Course materials | HYB | 3.00 | Counseling and Public Health PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC T 02:30PM 04:30PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1009 | EXDL-806-01 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Research Methods II EXDL Executive Leadership | 05/28/25 08/07/25 SCA 214 LEC S 08:30AM 04:50PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1024 | PAS-518-31 Course Description Course materials | 4.00 | Phys Diag and Pat Eval Lab III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 303 LEC TTH 08:30AM 09:45AM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC TTH 01:00PM 02:15PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 307 LEC TH 08:30AM 09:45AM | |
1023 | PAS-518-32 Course Description Course materials | 4.00 | Phys Diag and Pat Eval Lab III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 303 LEC TH 10:00AM 11:15AM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC TTH 01:00PM 02:15PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 307 LEC TTH 10:00AM 11:15AM | |
1025 | PAS-518-33 Course Description Course materials | 4.00 | Phys Diag and Pat Eval Lab III PAS Physician Assistant | 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 303 LEC TTH 11:30AM 12:45PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 101 LEC TTH 01:00PM 02:15PM 05/27/25 08/08/25 SCA 307 LEC TTH 11:30AM 12:45PM | |
1028 | PAS-653-31 Course Description Course materials | HYB | 3.00 | Professional Skills III PAS Physician Assistant | 06/02/25 08/08/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COMPETENCY WEEK 7/7-7/11 ON CAMPUS) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1054 | OTM-503-31 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Clinical Medicine OTM Occupational Therapy | 06/23/25 07/18/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 6/23-7/18.) |
1056 | OTM-503-32 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Clinical Medicine OTM Occupational Therapy | 06/23/25 07/18/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 6/23-7/18.) |
1057 | OTM-504-31 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 2.00 | Health Care Ethics & Advocacy OTM Occupational Therapy | 06/23/25 07/18/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. RUNS 6/23-7/18. SYNCHRONOUS MEETINGS VIA ZOOM ON DAYS AND TIMES LISTED.) |
1058 | OTM-504-32 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 2.00 | Health Care Ethics & Advocacy OTM Occupational Therapy | 06/23/25 07/18/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. SYNCHRONOUS. WILL MEET VIA ZOOM DURING TIMES LISTED. RUNS 6/23-7/18.) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1028 | PAS-653-31 Course Description Course materials | HYB | 3.00 | Professional Skills III PAS Physician Assistant | 06/02/25 08/08/25 TBA TBA LEC TBA TBA (NOTE: COMPETENCY WEEK 7/7-7/11 ON CAMPUS) |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1010 | EXDL-807-01 Course Description Course materials | 3.00 | Research Methods III EXDL Executive Leadership | 05/28/25 08/07/25 SCA 214 LEC F 12:00PM 08:20PM |
Synonym | Section Name | Course Types | Credits | Short Description | Start/End Date Bldg Room Meth Days Start/End time |
1073 | EDG-690-34 Course Description Course materials | DIST | 3.00 | Master's Project EDG Graduate Education | 05/28/25 08/07/25 TBA TBA RES TBA TBA (NOTE: COURSE IS ONLINE. ASYNCHRONOUS. RUNS 5/28-8/7) |