Entries for 'Molly McCarthy'

Larry Tanner, Ph.D., professor of environmental science systems, presented a paper titled Comparison of Contemporaneous Pedogenic Isotope Records from...

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Check out the monthly news from the Achievement Program for Le Moyne College Undergraduate Students (A-PLUS): https://echo.lemoyne.edu/Portals/0/AP...

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Julie Grossman, professor of English and communication and film studies, was awarded the 2018 Jim Welsh Award for Excellence in Adaptation Studies on ...

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Professor of Practice James T. Snyder, Esq., will lecture at a Clinical Legal Education (CLE) event for lawyers titled "How to Lay a Foundation t...

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Associate Professor of History Leigh Fought's essay, "On the Life of Black Abolitionist Anna Murray Douglass," was published in Black Pe...

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On Saturday, Nov. 17th, Assistant Professor Travis Newton of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts served as conductor of the Zone 5 ...

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Alison Marganski presented a paper, "Cyber-sexual Violence: Exploring the Role of Technology in Sexual Violence Victimization" at the Americ...

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Recreation Center hours for Thanksgiving Break can be found on the Center's website: www.lemoynedolphins.com.
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Take advantage of a unique opportunity to network and learn from industry leaders in the tech, retail and nonprofit fields. The Office of Care...

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The Recreation Center fitness classes, held in the Palony Wellness Studio, will end for the fall semester on Thursday, Dec. 6.
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